Sunday, June 15, 2008

Guess Who??!!

Have you aver played the game Guess Who?

For those who may not have, Guess Who is a game where you ask a series of questions to eliminate possibilites and identify the character on the card your opponent is holding.

Do you ever feel like you have to play this game for real?

Do you sometimes feel like you have to ask a million questions just to really find out who someone really is?

Have you ever felt like you have had to do this to work out who you really are?

Have you ever felt like you have had to do this to work out who God is?

I guess the reality is that God is so big and amazing that we will never be able to fully comprehend Him completely, but we can know who God is and grow to know him as well as we can understand this side of eternity.

Guess Who is the theme for this years Youth event. More details will be released over the next couple of weeks, but for now, book in the 23rd and 24th of August for Youth Event and stay tuned for more details.

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