Sunday, March 25, 2007

Only 10 sleeps 'til Easter Camp!!!

Easter is fast approaching, the chocolate eggs that have been in the shops since what feels like Boxing Day, are selling; people are making preparations for going on holiday and I'm putting the finishing touches on the Easter Camp programme. It's so easy to get busy at this time of year, but while we continue to rush around doing 'stuff' it is important to remember why it is that we celebrate Easter.

This year as you look at the Cross on Good Friday and think of the price Jesus paid for our mistakes and disobedience, and as you look at the Cross on Easter Sunday and think of the eternal life we now can have in relationship with God remember this:

The Cross is like an arrow; it shows us the way to God: JESUS

The Cross is looks like a 't'; it reminds us of the Truth: That while we were still sinners Jesus died for us.

The Cross is the Life; it cost Jesus His life but gave us ours.

John 14: 6 - 7: Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. if you know me, you will know my father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him." (NRSV)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Occasionally i spend some time reading other peoples blogs, i like to see what other people are thinking and why. Recently i read a blog about the structure of the church and whether or not it was effective.

While i think the blog had some valid points about how church was done (the example given of a standard church meeting lead went something like this: Call to worship, Songs, Prayer, Songs, Sermon, Songs) it think that the proble with some worship services is not so much the structure but the content. I heard it said once that "a good sermon will not get people into a church, but a bad sermon will certainly stop people from coming back." I think that this is very true. Worship services should serve to guide the congregation into a place where they experience God in spirit and in truth. I am as gulty as any one of having preached a sermon whilst feeling and being underprepared, and i know that it was a lame excuse on my part, but i have learnt from these experiences.

The blog i read suggested that reproducing small groups were a better alternative to 'church'. Ii think the key word with the small groups is 'reproduce'. So often these small groups become little cliques that an 'outsider' is excluded from.

While i believe that small groups are vital, i also believe that 'church' is important. the passage in Acts 2 that was included spoke about the things that the believers did. The passage showed that ALL of the believers met together in the temple courts IN ADDITION to meeting in their small groups.

Small groups should be a place of fellowship, teaching BIBLICALLY SOUND TRUTHS, as it appears some groups are not so great on this, preferring instead to teach their post-modern interpretaion onf what they think the bible says to them. Small groups should also provide accountability to its members. I think church should build on this, providing a celebration of faith, teaching, challenging and providing opportunities for people to commit or recommit their lives to the LORD. While this can happen in small groups i believe opportunities in bigger meetings should provide an atmosphere for people to make a decisions.

In conclusion i leave you with Paul's words "And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching." from Heb. 10: 24 -25.

And one final thought:

Is it that the model of church as we know it is not working, or is it that the people who go to church aren't doing the required leg work before they bring thier friends to church, are people even brining their friends to church???

Adios Amigos

P.S I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

20 Sleeps 'til Easter Camp

Not long now!!! Easter Camp isn't far away. I've got some forms back, but please don't hold out too long in getting them back to me, I don't want you to miss out.

Stop The Traffik:
Did you know that even though the Trans-Atlantic Slave Act was reppealed 200 years ago, making slavery illegal, people are still brought and sold into slavery every day, many of them are women and children!!!

The Salvos are holding a concert at Queensbridge square on Sunday 25th of March to Celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Act being reppealed and also we want to raise the profile of current human traffiking and put pressure on to have it stopped. No-one should be enslaved to another person these days. We can put people into space, why can't we ensure all people are free from slavery. Is it because we just don't care enough??

This is only a short blog, I've got lots to do at the moment.

Stay tuned sometime next week for an Easter Camp promo video clip!!

Adios Amigos

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Easter is fast approaching and this means that The Salvation Army Western Victoria Divisional Easter Camp is to. This year the name of the camp is Boundless Salvation, and yes, it is based on the song book song, but no it wont be boring. I truly believe that God has some awsome stuff instore for us on this camp.

Some of the stuff we are looking at running include canoeing and maybe even a trip to the beach.

I need names and deposits by the end of this month so please see your Corps officers to get a form and get them back in ASAP!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Hi, welcome to my new blog site as DYCS.

My plan is to post my thoughts and questions here for you to think and comment on. I also thought i might post some of my sermons on here in a slightly edited form.

I also though that this could be a good place to post some of the upcoming events in Western Vic for Salvo Youth and Childrens ministry and also some stuff for people to think about if they feel called to become an officer in The Salvation Army.

Well, gotta go.
