Sunday, March 25, 2007

Only 10 sleeps 'til Easter Camp!!!

Easter is fast approaching, the chocolate eggs that have been in the shops since what feels like Boxing Day, are selling; people are making preparations for going on holiday and I'm putting the finishing touches on the Easter Camp programme. It's so easy to get busy at this time of year, but while we continue to rush around doing 'stuff' it is important to remember why it is that we celebrate Easter.

This year as you look at the Cross on Good Friday and think of the price Jesus paid for our mistakes and disobedience, and as you look at the Cross on Easter Sunday and think of the eternal life we now can have in relationship with God remember this:

The Cross is like an arrow; it shows us the way to God: JESUS

The Cross is looks like a 't'; it reminds us of the Truth: That while we were still sinners Jesus died for us.

The Cross is the Life; it cost Jesus His life but gave us ours.

John 14: 6 - 7: Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. if you know me, you will know my father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him." (NRSV)

1 comment:

Cadet Stobes!! said...

Thanks for your blog entries Joel, they are a blessing, but more than that, they are words of conviction. God uses you in a mighty way to speak to people. Thanks for being faithful to Him. It's so easy to forget why we are actually celebrating easter. It's not about the eggs or the bunny. But about Christ dieing a tragic death, and then being extravagantly resurrected! Praise God!! Look forward to catching up again soon. God Bless you stacks! Serving under the King, Cadet Stobes!