I went to help at a Fusion Breakfast Club held at one of the Ballarat highschools this morning. After Breakfast club finished I went home again to change out of the jeans and hoodie I was wearing into my 'corporate attire' that is more appropriate for someone who works at DHQ.
When I got home I swithced on the TV to add a bit of noise while I had a drink and began to get ready. As I flicked through the channels I caught the end of an Ellen show segment and she was talking about what was coming up. When I heard the words 'Superbowl Ad', I decided not to switch channels and waited the ads out. When the show returned I saw the video clip above.
The ad shows how one American footballer recognised the potential ability in a grocery bag packer at his local supermarket and encouraged him to try out for the team. This young man, Chester Pitts, who previously played only the oboe, a member of the woodwind family, now is a highly paid NFL player.
All of this happened because another footballer, Ephraim Salaam, recognised his potential and encouraged him to become the best he could be.
This got me thinking, how many people are there in our world who are metaphorically packing groceries and playing the oboe when they should be playing in the NFL?
As I thought about this I wondered where the people are who are like Ephraim Salaam who are recognising the potential of others and calling them to a better thing?
Do you see the potential in people you meet and encourage them to reach out and achieve it?
I love the line in this clip: "He's living the dream... he didnt even know what the dream was until I told him."
Who are you telling about the dream, and who is missing out on the dream because you havent told them?
Do you know what the dream is?
Do you have a dream at all?
I think we all have dreams, or at least we had them at one stage or another.
My dream is that I will see the Kingdom of God come on earth. I dream that people will be in passionate, vibrant relationship with their God. I dream that people will fight for the poor and oppressed and bring freedom to those captives held captive by sin and circumstance. I dream that one day there will be peace and love and forgiveness in abundace and that hate and greed and evil will be gone. Thats my dream.
Today I want to encourage to share your dream with someone else. You never know what the outcome might be. But, more importantly, share God's dream, because the outcome of that can be revoloutionary.
thats a mighty dream joel and it will happen you will see, God is working miracles and putting plans in to motion as i type these very words. Dreams are being shared and eyes are being opened, sooner then we think the Lord will destroy hate and love will reign and i cant wait!
Great post Joel. I was thinking similar thoughts but couldnt put them into words, then I read this and you had done it for me. How important is it to encourage others and to show them that there is a great future for them each.
Thanks Mate.
Awesome post Joel! I love that dream!
My dream is - that we see people released in their God given potential - and that we SEE their potential as God sees it, even when they don't!
ah, those Fusion breakfast clubs. I have the sense to do my four Fusion school thingies at lunch time! leaves me more time for dreaming in the morning. good blog by the way
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